
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Have a Rootin' Tootin' Day!

Giddy Up, Boy!  Giggity, Giggity, Goo!
Wanna make a bet on who's gonna shoot first?

They be saggin' out west, too.

Purple saddle blanket.

Hot tats on a hot black cowboy!
Christmas lights in the summertime.

Hatless Cowboy.

Pantless Cowboy.

Sir! You needn't be so rough! Although, I do like it a little bit rough, sometimes!!

Say 'No' To Homophobia, Pard!

Family Guy - Peter's Gay Cowboy Song

'Real Gay Cowboys of The U.S.A.'

Now here are some 'real' gay 'cowboys'!  So gay in fact, they might be labeled 'cowgirls'!  Notice the pink hanky in the left pocket of the pink-shirted cowboy?  It appears that he is either a tit-torturer or a navel worshiper, perhaps?  Check out the hanky codes here and see what you think...
Taken at Gay Rodeo in Chicago.
Gay pride cowboy wearing platform boots!

Valentino's Gay Cowboy Fashion

Valentino's 'gay cowboy wear' in Milan, Italy.

Willie Nelson - Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly Fond Of Each Other

Willie Nelson sings 'Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly Fond of Each Other'.  Burt Reynolds makes a cameo. 
When the song was released, (during the 'Brokeback Mountain' hype), Willie said, "The song's been in the closet for 20 years. The timing's right for it to come out. I'm just opening the door."
The song's release was encouraged by the coming out of his friend and tour manager of thirty years, David Anderson.

Reclining Cowboy

Tattooed Cowboy

Notice his pinky finger?  Interesting photo isn't it?  Both masculine and feminine at the same time.  What do you think about it?

Cowboy Love

Do You Miss The 'Good Old Cowboys'?

This ad by Studio Universal seems a bit homophobic, but is an interesting approach.  What do you think about it?

Cowboys At Home On The Range At Sunset

These two cowboys look right 'at home' on the range, at the end of the day, don't they?  What do you think they are talking about?  Perhaps, one is asking the other if he wants to go out for drinks after work? Or 'Have you seen Brokeback Mountain, yet?'

Friday, July 30, 2010

10 South Park Episodes that Prove Cartman is Evil

Futurama: Best of Bender!

Stewie Griffin Quotes

The Real Eric Cartman ^_^

Amsterdam Gay Pride August 6, 7, 2010

Duck And Cover! How To Survive A Nuclear Attack Or 'Dirty Bomb'

The above photo is an artist rendering of a doomsday shelter by the Vivos shelter network, which offers partial ownerships similar to a timeshare in underground shelter communities, is one of several ventures touting escape from a surface-level calamity.  (See full article about it here.)
A man named Kraig J. Rice gives us useful (and perhaps timely?) advice on how to survive a nuclear attack just in case you don't have a 'shelter timeshare'.
Here is a part of the info:
Most of the radiation is given off locally and quickly- therefore, the first few hours after an attack is the most dangerous period. The particles themselves look like grains of salt or sand, but stay away from these as the rays are invisible. Don't let your children play outside in this stuff. Areas close to the nuclear explosion might receive fallout within 15 to 30 minutes. Generally, the fallout pattern after 36 hours from the detonation of a single 15-megaton thermonuclear bomb is 20 miles (40 kilometers) upwind and over 320 miles (640 kilometers) downwind from where the bomb exploded.
The wind carries the radioactive materials through the air. This means that very large areas will become contaminated and you will need to plan for this if you are at least 320 miles downwind from the explosion. You will need to find shelter and stay away from the bombed area for a long period of time depending on the extent and severity of the contamination. If you live within 320 miles down wind of the explosion then you may need to travel a minimum of 50 miles (100 kilometers) in a horizontal (side ways) direction (from the major direction of the wind) in order to escape from this zone. If you stay in this area or zone then you will need to take appropriate shelter from the radiation for a 14 day period of time. If you stay and you do not take appropriate shelter then you may get radiation sickness.
Nuclear Attack Information
How to Survive a Nuclear Attack

Mark of the Beast

Is the 'mark of the beast' a physical mark, or can the mark symbolize our 'thoughts and deeds'?
Some radical racists have used the bible to say that blacks are decendants of Cain, who slew Able in the Garden of Eden, because Cain's decendants were forever 'marked' and outcast from the rest of society.
The Mormons even used this belief to ban blacks from entering the temple until they lifted that ban in recent decades.
Some black Christians have implyed that the opposite is true, that mankind was originally black and through God's curse of 'vitiligo' did Cain's decendants turn white.

Wikipedia says:
As an act of irony, the curse by God focused strictly on neutralizing the benefits of Cain's primary skill, cultivating crops. When Cain complained that the curse was too strong, and that anyone who found him would kill him, God responded, "Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over",[3] and God "set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him" (Gen. 4:15).

Revelations says:
“If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand..."
And Revelations also goes on to say:
"Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666."

666 literally translates into: Nero Ceasar - which literally translates into: Powerful Dictator.

Revelations 17:8 tells us that those people on earth (at the end-times) whose names were not written in the 'book of life', will be very shocked to find out the true identity of the beast is a person  that was, and is not, and yet is.

Obviously, this 'beast' controls the buying and selling of the global 'free market system'.
'Worshiping the beast' and 'it's image', and 'receiving a mark'.  Sounds like all three might be required, perhaps?  This mark sounds like the 'seal of endorsement' stating that the person 'belongs' to this belief system.  Thoughts, philosophy, etc. might be translated into 'forehead' and deeds, things done, carried out by, etc. may be the 'right hand'.  ("Did you have 'a hand' in this?"  "You are my 'right-hand' man." For examples.)
Nevertheless, there are people who literally do get the 666 tattooed onto their bodies.  As seen here.

The bible makes it clear that God's love and grace is inclusionary:
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." -Galatians 3:28

Is The Feared 'One World Government' A Neoliberalist, 'Virtual Parliament'?

In the above video, then President George H. W. Bush, Sr. coins the phrase, 'new world order' in his 1990 speech before a joint session of Congress.
On January 16, 1991, he further clarified his position in a speech announcing the hostilities with Iraq by identifying the opportunity to build a New World Order,
“where the rule of law (obviously an 'internaional, world law and order', and not the rule of a single man such as a king)  … governs the conduct of nations,” and “in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s founders.”
These specifics in describing Bush’s concept of New World Order clearly lean toward the globalist interpretation. (Source)
Before the 1980's and Reaganomics, deregulation, supply-side economics, neoliberalism, we had  the Bretton Woods system established by the U. S. and Britain after World War II which instituted capital controls and regulated currencies.
The Great Depression and the war had aroused powerful radical democratic currents, ranging from the anti-fascist resistance to working class organisation. These pressures made it necessary to permit social democratic policies.
The Bretton Woods system was designed in part to create a space for government action responding to public will - for some measure of democracy.
Deregulations have made it now that companies are 'too big to fail' and may even take down the whole global economy.  They have us between a rock and a hard place, and are brazenly 'holding us hostage', using their powerful influence to 'extort' money from our governments through corportate welfare
Secret organizations such as the notorious 'Bildenberg Group' and the 'Skull and Bones Society', are some examples of possible 'virtual parliament' whose goals may be to sway government policy in their favor, thus in theory, having control of world politics through polical campain financing, lobbying, etc.  These 'virtual parliaments' may get so powerful, they may be like 'governments without borders' in the end-times.  These powerful, capitalistic elitists, may watch and track our every move, they may spy on us, they may use us as 'slave labor', who knows, what evil lurks in the hearts and minds of these powerful elite 'secret societies'?
Here are some interesting articles about these topics:
Spying on Consumers: Using Satellite Imagery to Generate Sales Leads
Demographic Profiling: A Euphemism for Corporate Spying
Is National Security Behind Google's Wi-Fi Spying?
Big brother is watching - An examination into Corporate Spying
Market Trends: Demographic and Consumer Data
Consumer Data Industry

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Response to NOM's "Gathering Storm" ad


The Downfall Of Anita Bryant

Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival - Trailer

Gay USA - Movie Trailer

Arthur Bressan's documentary, Gay USA, filmed in 1977 during the 'Anita Bryant years'.

"I'm 80% Girl, 20% Boy"

Did you know that angels are hermaphrodites - neither male nor female? How do fundamentalist Christians decide which gender someone with both sex parts is supposed to marry? By what criteria do they judge? By how the person looks in the crotch area, or by how they feel inside? Any Christians want to leave us a comment... to help us understand it?

Hermaphrodite - Sexuality the Documentary

Eunuchs fight for rights in Pakistan

UPDATE: Pakistan's eunuchs to finally get official status as third-gender!

The Third Gender Project

Transsexual In Iran

Defining Third Gender

Sexuality Today Educates Us About Two-Spirited Cross-Gender Indentity

Crying In The Wilderness - A Two Spirited Ballad

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bad Questions to Ask a Transsexual: Old Version

National Geographic - Eunuchs In India

Was Jesus Black? (Black Jesus Part1)

Was Jesus Black? (Black Jesus Pt 2)

2Pac - About Black Jesus

Family Guy Black Jesus

Gay Power!

Recent reports put the annual buying power of U.S. LGBT adults at $743 billion.  That’s down a bit from recent years due to the fact we’ve suffered a recession – but still, $743 billion, that’s a powerful figure.  We should use this survey to remind companies and the elected officials that we do vote and have buying power.  The conservative American Family Association has been calling for a boycott of Home Depot for it's support of the LGBT community.  So we should really reverse-boycott these brave companies and shop them even more!  Another company often chastised by those conservative boycotts has been Ford.  So buy a Ford and thank a supporter!  Also, this is a good time to remind my friends out there to please shop the affiliate ads on to help support a fellow gay man with AIDS.  I promise to keep making GayCityUSA a better place for you and me, especially if I can afford to invest some cash into it!  So, if you were already going to purchase online, why not click and see if you can find an advertiser to fit your needs.  I thank all of you who have already made puchases through, and those who will in the future, too!  Thank you , so much!!! XXOO

Outrageous Spending, Debts, Unemployment, Poor Education, Crumbling Bridges, Can We Afford War?

With the Wikileaks articles in the news lately, some old news is back in the news: U.S. can't account for $8.7 billion in Iraqi cash.  This cash came up missing between 2003 and 2007.  Many who follow the war in the news knew about this outrage of waste!  Not to mention the fact that every 48 hours we fight over there it cost $1 Billion. 
I am sick to think of how we could have spent all the $1 Trillion we have spent so far on those Middle-East wars.  Instead of making those palaces of Saddam into US forts, we should have made them into schools for women and girls.  By educating the women, and empowering them, this is how we would truley win the hearts and minds of the people over time, rather than come in there blazing guns and bombs and destroying bridges, we should have used much of that money to build them American made solar power plants, and given the country what Saddam could never deliver: Electricity.  Today, they still don't have it.  And those solar panels could employ Americans in solar manufacturing plants.  We could have bought all new government vehicles that run on some non-oil based products, and employed people in the auto plants.  This would lessen polution here in America, and make us less dependent upon oil.  We could have placed a couple of solar panels on every house in the US with that money!  Many complain about the cost of 'social programs' and fail to see how much money is dumped into 'anti-social' programs like wars and such, oftentimes making those war profiteers rich off the blood of war.  Disgusting!  But somebody's got to buy all those military stocks, I suppose.  It just doesn't look good when it's the military generals who profit.
And the scary thought about it is this: What could just that 'missing money' buy?  Three times the amount to purchase all the global black market firearms!  Let's hope they didn't use it for that, though, right?
Meanwhile, the chance that any one of us reading this article will be hit by a terrorist attack is highly unlikely.  More unlikely than getting hit by lightning actually.  See link: Your real chances of being harmed by a terrorist attack.  So, is it really worth the cost?  If our country goes bankrupt, do the terrorists win?  Could we do better if we used the money at home?  Leave comments below...
Here are some more interesting articles...

Was Elisabeth Hasselbeck Wrong About Lesbians?

Hot Topic: Barbara Walters asks: Why are we hearing more and more about women who come out later in life? Joy says women are born lesbian and cannot change and neither can a straight person change into a lesbian. Elisabeth asks, if perhaps hormones, or some other things may be an influence.

I am an avid fan of 'The View' and I love the 'Hot Topics' segment the best of all. I usually don't agree very often with Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and I usually side most often with Joy Behar, but today I had to take Elisabeth's side.
The above video is an older, previously taped conversation but very much the same tone as today's show, which the video is here.
If we are to believe that bi-sexuals do indeed exist, then one can be attracted to someone of each sex, but only able to marry one, so they must choose, and of course, many bisexuals choose the path of least resistence and go for the straight arraigment at first, thinking of reproduction factors in here as well. Later, after they see just how awful and degrading many men can make a wife feel, and the kids flew the nest, and after bonding with their many girlfriends over the tears throughout the years, they may suddenly realize that maybe a woman may better suit their more 'mature' needs, wants and desires in life, such as a clean house with a down toilet seat and more oral sex. The older we get the more we latch onto security as well. We need companionship and security more when older, than when younger. Love is love, so Joy, 'Who cares?' Who cares if they are male, female, bi-sexual, lesbian, who cares? I think there is a number of things that it could be or a combo of several at once, so who cares? Better late than never, I say!
In the meantime, ladies out there, why not tell us your opinion and experiences with a comment...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Show On The CW Seeks Gay Couple To Shed Weight For Dream Wedding

The CW & MysticArt Pictures are currently casting a new show for the The CW and are looking for engaged couples who want to lose a few pounds before their big day.  It's a chance for one lucky couple to win the wedding of their dreams and the producer told me, personally, that they would 'love' to have a gay couple in the competition!  For more information please visit their site:

Make A Donation To HRC And Win A Trip To NYC To Chill With Ronnie Kroell

Win A Trip To NYC To Chill With Ronnie Kroell
How do you WIN?
Make a $125 donation to HRC via the secure link provided on Ronnie Kroell's Official Website and receive 1 of 50 packages, contents listed below. Each package comes with a chance to WIN a trip to chill with me in New York City. *Limit of 2 packages a person for a total donation of $250*

What do you GET in each package?
Signed INSTINCT Magazine, September 2008
Signed PLAYGIRL Magazine, Summer 2010
Personalized thank you message.
Chance to WIN a trip to NYC and other great prizes!!

Grand Prize:
Round-trip airline ticket to NYC from anywhere in the 48 contiguous States (or a cash voucher towards a ticket from Hawaii, Alaska, or entries from countries outside the US), 2 night/3 day stay at a boutique NYC Hotel, AND a night out on the town to chill with Ronnie Kroell!

First Prize:
Personal phone call, thanking you for your time and generous contribution AND a pair of S2VS Gold Jeans, signed by the lovely LADY GAGA herself when Ronnie hung out with her backstage in Palm Springs, California.

(3) Second Prizes:
Personal phone call, thanking you for your time and generous contribution AND the first season of BRAVO’s “Make Me a Supermodel”

Coca-Cola Seeking To Hire LGBT's All Over USA

According to Out & Equal's LGBT Career Link, Coca-Cola is hiring drivers all over the USA right now, along with a few other select positions in various states.  Check it out here.

Pillow Designed For Enhancing Gay/Anal Sex

Good sex furniture may come in all shapes and sizes, but in the case of Little Deeper®, it was specially designed with the needs and wishes of gay couples in mind. This gay sex wedge is a creative way to enhance lovemaking, putting you and your partner into the best and most powerful sexual positions you could ever imagine or experience.

Paris Hotel & Casino Hosting Family Fest 2010 - Aug. 6-8

The Paris Hotel & Casino will be hosting Family Fest 2010 - A Celebration of Life - Aug. 6 - 8, 2010.

Tuesday's Tattoos - Superman

Thinking of getting a Superman tattoo?  Here's some inspiration:

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday's Manly Men

RESPECT MAH ATHORITAH!!!  There's something about a man in uniform, am I right?  Yes, sir!  He can 'protect and serve' me any time!

Monday's Manly Men

Bodybuilder Chad Ray Martin in his tighty whities posing in Chicago, suits those with a taste for muscle!  He looks somewhat gay in this photo with his 'manly' dog tag necklace, but this man is really butch!

Monday's Manly Men

At 6' 8" Simon Shaw is one of the tallest men to play football for England.  He's also very manly, masculine, sexy, and hot!  See nude pics of him here.

Monday's Manly Men

UK Boxer David Haye is a hunk!

Monday's Manly Men

It doesn't get any manlier than Stanley Kowalski!

Monday's Manly Men

Ah, refreshing, isn't he?

Monday's Manly Men

Manly Jesus