Boys do not have to be raised to fear homosexuality, feminism, and other things. Many children do grow up without homophobia or misogyny, however, society puts presure on boys to grow up a 'certain way'. We really need to become more advanced in our thinking and allow people to develop with less man vs. woman stereotypes. The range from uber mucho macho to the effeminate hetersexual are extreme, but everyone else lies in between these extremes. We all have our own fem/masculine ways which seem be inate.
Boys do not have to be raised to fear homosexuality, feminism, and other things. Many children do grow up without homophobia or misogyny, however, society puts presure on boys to grow up a 'certain way'. We really need to become more advanced in our thinking and allow people to develop with less man vs. woman stereotypes. The range from uber mucho macho to the effeminate hetersexual are extreme, but everyone else lies in between these extremes. We all have our own fem/masculine ways which seem be inate.