
Friday, July 23, 2010

Is Homosexuality A Choice, Or Is It Innate?

1 comment:

  1. I was my mother's 5th son, 7th baby. I knew from as early as I can remember that I wasn't a 'normal' boy. As a matter of fact, before I could even concieve about the differences between the sexes, I thought of myself as a female. As I grew up, I played with dolls and jumped rope, played 'housewife', hop-scotch and jax with the girls all the time. I always did feel more comfortable around women during my youth also. I had great interest in housekeeping, baking, cooking, cleaning, etc. I wore my mother's heels, you get the idea. Then, I got old enough to realize that I was actually a male and I needed to change my behaviors to fit society's expectations of the sexes. During my teen years I was irressistably attracted to the cute boys in school and was afraid of getting to excited in the showers. I was picked on and teased relentlessly, and backed into the closet so far, that I eventually believed myself to be straight and narrow. I was religious, and clean cut, preppy, and Republican. I finally realized what a sham it was and such a waste of time not to be who I really was inside, so I came out of the closet at 25 and felt a great sense of relief!!! There is no going back now at 53, I am dyed in wool gay!


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