A little understanding goes a long way towards eliminating ignorance. LGBT Community News
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Monsanto's Seed Monopoly And Political Influence
Above clip shows how organic farmers are being sued because genetically modified genes get into their organic crops through cross-contamination and wind up mixed with the organic sometimes in a hybred. The farmers say it's not their fault, but yet they get sued by the big corporation anyway. Also, they had a contract with Iraq to be able to force them to use their seeds only. If they succeed in destroying seed banks, as was alleged in the video, we are really screwed.
Below video shows how influential they are with the media.
The monopoly and influence is moving towards the eastern countries like India as is shown in the below video.
Is Watching Fox News Supporting 'Ground Zero Mosque' And Terror?
The above video is one guy's reaction to John Stewart's show, and below is the link to watch the entire segment which includes a debate of how Fox News was either really, really stupid, or really, really evil. We'll report, you decide which one!
Daily Show debates whether Fox is "evil" or just "stupid" for fearmongering about the Kingdom Foundation, whose founder is part owner of Fox News
Recent Headlines:
When Propaganda Isn't Enough: News Corp. Donates $1 Million To Republican Governors Association
Ex Press Chief: Fox News White House Seat a 'Travesty'
MySpace To Combine With FOX Audience Network
OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism
Below: Bill O'Reilly denies saying 'Shut Up'
Fox News,
John Stewart,
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tony Robbins Economic Warning
Get ready for 'economic winter', and while you're in 'winter' get ready for 'spring' (re-growth) around the corner, then you will come out wealthy!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Gay Muslims - UK Documentary
gay rights,
A Jihad for Love
Above is the movie trailer for the documentary "A Jihad For Love"
Below are parts 1,2,3,4
gay rights,
Middle East,
World's biggest gay organization is a muslim organization!!!
Al-Fatiha is dedicated to Muslims of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and questioning or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (LGBTIQQ), and their families, friends and allies.
Wikipedia: Gay Muslims
Fantasia Admits She Tried To Kill Herself By Overdosing
Below video shows Fantasia performing about a week after the suicide attempt at a birthday celebration for Charlotte Bobcat's player Tyrus Thomas.
Fantasia To Move In With Married Lover; In Talks For Another Reality Show
Fantasia's 'Bittersweet' Performance After Suicide Attempt
Fantasia's Love Affair with Antwaun Destroyed Paula Cook's Wish for Happy Life
Fantasia Barrino: 'I Wanted It to Be Over With'
Suicide Hotline: Are you in crisis? Please call 1-800-273-TALK
RIP Jack Horkheimer AKA "Star Hustler"
On Friday afternoon Jack Horkheimer, veteran astronomer and naked-eye-astronomy enthusiast, died of “a respiratory ailment” at the age of 72.
RIP Jack Horkheimer, Astronomically Cool Geek
The above video is rather long, so I recommend that you slide the movie to the middle and start watching, then after the 'outhouse' part, just stop the video, because the rest of the video is just the sign-off for the PBS station.
The lower video is more recent. Aug 2 - 8, 2010
This is his last episode:
Wikipedia: Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer
RIP Jack Horkheimer, Astronomically Cool Geek
RIP Jack Horkheimer, Astronomically Cool Geek
The above video is rather long, so I recommend that you slide the movie to the middle and start watching, then after the 'outhouse' part, just stop the video, because the rest of the video is just the sign-off for the PBS station.
The lower video is more recent. Aug 2 - 8, 2010
This is his last episode:
Wikipedia: Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer
RIP Jack Horkheimer, Astronomically Cool Geek
The Cost Of War vs The Cost Of Education And Goodwill
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Afghan war costs now outpace Iraq's
National Priorities Project: Cost of War
The Iraq War Will Cost Us $3 Trillion, and Much More
Wikipedia: Financial cost of the Iraq War
Middle East,
Is Rev. Franklin Graham Fueling Fears Of Obama And Islam?
Above: August 19, 2010
Below: May 10, 2010
Below: May 2010 - Rev. Franklin Graham tells Greta Van Susteren: "I don't believe that Mohamad can lead anybody to God."
Any comments?
Obama’s 'problem is he was born a Muslim,' Rev. Franklin Graham says
Franklin Graham Dumped from the National Day of Prayer
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Famous Crime Scene - Anna Nicole Smith
Latest Headlines:
Video shows Smith denying drug use at awards show
Tearful Larry Birkhead Downplays Anna Nicole's Addiction, Judge Notices
Anne Nicole Smith Borderline Personality Disorder Says Psychiatrist
Anna Nicole Smith's bodyguard tells of her drug, alcohol abuse in her last days
Prosecutor says doctors, lawyer funneled drugs to Anna Nicole Smith
Gay Blood Vol. 1 - The Vampibrator
Gay Blood - a gay parody of True Blood - Gay and lesbian vampires, oh my!
Kathy Griffin On Prop. 8
civil rights,
Dr. Laura,
gay rights,
Kathy Griffin,
Larry King,
Prop. 8
Dr. Laura: Todays 'Self Appointed Activist Types' Breed Hate, Anger And Destruction
What do you think about Dr. Laura's apology? Do you accept it? Please leave a comment...
According to various sources, Dr. Laura Schlessinger has said or written:
"A huge portion of the male homosexual populace is predatory on young boys."
"If you're gay or lesbian it's a biological error."
"I call homosexual practices deviant."
"The First Amendment is not the 11th Commandment. Its protection does not extend to ALL speech."
"When we have the word 'homosexual,' we are clarifying the dysfunction, the deviancy, the reality."
"....[reparative] therapies which have been successful in helping a reasonable number of people become heterosexual."
"...I believe that homosexual behavior is deviant; that when homosexuals adopt children, these children are intentionally robbed of a necessary mom and dad..."
"I'm sorry, hear it one more time perfectly clearly: If you're gay or a lesbian, it's a biological error that inhibits you from relating normally to the opposite sex. The fact that you are intelligent, creative and valuable is all true. The error is in your inability to relate sexually intimately, in a loving way to a member of the opposite sex - it is a biological error." Quoted from Dr. Laura's Website, 1998-DEC
Meanwhile, here is a video that is in response to Dr. Laura's percieved homophobia a few years back....
Who was 'spreading hate' then, huh?
When someone comes off as a 'know-it-all' and 'holier than thou' and they are percieved as homophobic and racist, it is difficult to forgive and forget and move on so easily.
Perhaps it is her own 'just deserts' for spreading her hate, she must die by the sword?
Wikipedia: Laura Schlessinger
Dr. Laura Schlessinger On Homosexuality - Religious Tolerance
Remembering Dr. Laura - AMERICAblog Gay
Stop Dr. Laura - Not Every Homosexual Is A Paedophile
civil rights,
Dr. Laura,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
'Secret' Gay Agenda: Freedom And Equality For Everyone
Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern claims there is a secret cabal of gay millionaires who want freedom and equality for all in America. How she sees freedom and equality a threat to the 'American Way', I don't understand.
TRANSCRIPT: "I was talking to a group of Republican activists telling them about a group of homosexual millionaires who, for years, have been working secretly to change the society of America, the political side of America, so that there will be freedom and equality for everyone." --- Oklahoma Rep. Sally Kern, August 7, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tila Tequila - I Love You (Dirty Re-Mix)
Caution: this video has adult language, uses 'f' word.
Who Knew? Conservatives Are Actually In Favor Of Legalizing And Taxing Marijuana!
Most of us already knew that Arnold Schwarzenegger was in favor of legalizing marijuana, but did you know that Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, and many Fox News commentaors and others are also in favor?
civil rights,
Fox News,
Glenn Beck,
Friday, August 13, 2010
With a Little Bit Of Luck - John Howard
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Vintage Harley Girls
The Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
If you plan to attend this year's 70th Annual Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, being held August 9 -15, don't expect to see men dressed up like the biker guy from Village People.
You may spot a guy like the one above, rarely, but, most bikers look more like these fellows:
The Original 'Smokey The Bear' Was Named 'Hotfoot Teddy'
For over 65 years, Smokey the Bear has been telling us to prevent forest fires, but few of us know that the original Smokey was really named 'Hotfoot Teddy'. Teddy was rescued from a forest fire in New Mexico in 1950 by a game warden. Life Magazine has a slideshow about the Real Smokey the Bear here.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Hot Topics- Overturning Prop 8 - The View
Katy Perry - California Gurls - gay boys remix
I'm Gay - Daffyd singing on Little Britain Live
I'm Gay - From Dance Flick Movie
I'm Gay: Bowling For Soup
'Come On The Gay Cruise' Advert
Annie Lennox's Positive Message About HIV/AIDS
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Play Safe
Always play it safe. Condoms remain the single most effective barrier against HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis.
Kissing Doesn't Kill: Greed And Indifference Do.
It started with ACT UP.
actup.org is an evolving web site that is based primarily upon a vision described in Larry Kramer's "We Are Not Crumbs; We Must Not Accept Crumbs" speech and extends the reach of his vision to include readers and speakers of many different languages.
actup.org is an evolving web site that is based primarily upon a vision described in Larry Kramer's "We Are Not Crumbs; We Must Not Accept Crumbs" speech and extends the reach of his vision to include readers and speakers of many different languages.
Friday, August 6, 2010
'An American Family' - The Original 'Reality TV' - Lance Loud Comes Out Gay
It's a common misconception that many think reality television only started in the 2000s. Filmed in 1971 and first airing in the United States on PBS in early 1973, 'An American Family' documentary was revolutionary for the times.
Here are some fascinating links:
Lance Loud: A Death In The American Family
IMBD; 'An American Family'
An American Family Revisited: The Louds 10 Years Later
An American Family: The Story of The Louds
'An American Family',
gay icons,
Lance Loud,
reality tv
Yogi Bear Is Coming Soon!
What to Do with a Drunken Sailor
'Drunken Sailor',
music video,
1971 - Invisible Minority - GLBT HIstorical Society
This video has an annoying 'ping' before each photo slide. Such was the technology of the day.
gay rights,
Gay San Francisco as Depicted by 1960s Media
gay rights,
San Francisco,
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Censorship: A Question of Judgment? (1963)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Boys Beware! Homosexuals are on the prowl!
Some Truths About STDs & HIV/AIDS - There's No Such Thing As 100% Safe Sex
The only way to be 100 percent safe from any disease is to live in a sterile bubble and never have contact at all.
The only way to be 100 percent safe from a sexually transmitted or even a socially transmitted disease is to never kiss anyone, never hug anyone, never shower with anyone, never share clothing, razors, toothbrushes, or combs, never have any kind of sex at all with anybody!
Abstaining from sex is the only way to be 100 percent confident of avoiding STD infection.
Q. What is the next best thing to 100 percent safe sex?
A. 99 percent safe sex.
Condoms, when used properly, are highly effective, and can be up to 99 percent safe from the following diseases spread by fluids: HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. Condoms remain the single most effective way to prevent sexually transmitted dieseases, aside from total sexual abstinence, of course.
Condoms are never quite as effective against diseases that are spready by skin to skin contact such as: genital herpes, human papillomavirus [HPV] infection, syphilis, and chancroid. Other than total sexual abstinence, there may not be an effective way to prevent skin to skin disease transmisson.

Did you know that, when it comes to HIV, that blood is more dangerous than semen? And semen is more dangerous than pre-seminal fluid.
The concentration of HIV determines whether infection may happen. In blood, for example, the virus is very concentrated. A small amount of blood is enough to infect someone. A much larger amount of other body fluids is needed for HIV transmission. (source)
...and it must get into the bloodstream.
It is not enough to come into contact with an infected fluid to become infected. Healthy, unbroken skin does not allow HIV to get into the body; it is an excellent barrier to HIV infection.
HIV can enter only through an opening in the skin such as a cut or sore, or through contact with the mucous membranes in the anus and rectum, the genitals, the mouth, and the eyes. (source)
How much risk are you willing to take?
No-risk safer sex play includes:
mutual masturbation
phone sex
sharing fantasies
Low-risk safer sex play includes:
fondling — manual stimulation of one another
body-to-body rubbing — frottage, "grinding," or "dry humping"
oral sex (even safer with a condom or other barrier)
playing with sex toys — alone or with a partner
The highest risk kinds of sex play are:
vaginal intercourse
anal intercourse
Here are some very good sources of information:
How HIV Is Spread
Frequently Asked Question About Condoms And Spermicides
How condoms protect against HIV, chlamydia and more
CDC: Condom Effectiveness - Condom Fact Sheet
Diseases Spread by Kissing
HIV from kissing?
Kissing and HIV
How Safe Is Your Oral Sex?
The only way to be 100 percent safe from a sexually transmitted or even a socially transmitted disease is to never kiss anyone, never hug anyone, never shower with anyone, never share clothing, razors, toothbrushes, or combs, never have any kind of sex at all with anybody!
Abstaining from sex is the only way to be 100 percent confident of avoiding STD infection.
Q. What is the next best thing to 100 percent safe sex?
A. 99 percent safe sex.
Condoms, when used properly, are highly effective, and can be up to 99 percent safe from the following diseases spread by fluids: HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. Condoms remain the single most effective way to prevent sexually transmitted dieseases, aside from total sexual abstinence, of course.
Condoms are never quite as effective against diseases that are spready by skin to skin contact such as: genital herpes, human papillomavirus [HPV] infection, syphilis, and chancroid. Other than total sexual abstinence, there may not be an effective way to prevent skin to skin disease transmisson.
Did you know that there have never been any reports of HIV transmission by kissing?
Kissing and/or swapping saliva can, however, give you the following viruses: herpes simplex type 1 (coldsore) virus, herpes virus type 2, Epstein-Barr Virus also known as human herpesvirus 4, mononucleosis, Cytomegalovirus, Streptococcus, common cold viruses, influenzas of all types, measles, meningitis, Gingivitis, pyorrhea, candidiasis or thrush, Coxsackievirus, hepatitis viruses A, B and C, gonorrhea, syphilis or chlamydia.
Kissing and/or swapping saliva can, however, give you the following viruses: herpes simplex type 1 (coldsore) virus, herpes virus type 2, Epstein-Barr Virus also known as human herpesvirus 4, mononucleosis, Cytomegalovirus, Streptococcus, common cold viruses, influenzas of all types, measles, meningitis, Gingivitis, pyorrhea, candidiasis or thrush, Coxsackievirus, hepatitis viruses A, B and C, gonorrhea, syphilis or chlamydia.
Just hugging can be quite dangerous in fact...
The following can be contagious from bedding or sharing clothing or towels: Crabs or Pubic Lice, Molluscum contagiosum, Scabies.Did you know that, when it comes to HIV, that blood is more dangerous than semen? And semen is more dangerous than pre-seminal fluid.
The concentration of HIV determines whether infection may happen. In blood, for example, the virus is very concentrated. A small amount of blood is enough to infect someone. A much larger amount of other body fluids is needed for HIV transmission. (source)
...and it must get into the bloodstream.
It is not enough to come into contact with an infected fluid to become infected. Healthy, unbroken skin does not allow HIV to get into the body; it is an excellent barrier to HIV infection.
HIV can enter only through an opening in the skin such as a cut or sore, or through contact with the mucous membranes in the anus and rectum, the genitals, the mouth, and the eyes. (source)
How much risk are you willing to take?
No-risk safer sex play includes:
mutual masturbation
phone sex
sharing fantasies
Low-risk safer sex play includes:
fondling — manual stimulation of one another
body-to-body rubbing — frottage, "grinding," or "dry humping"
oral sex (even safer with a condom or other barrier)
playing with sex toys — alone or with a partner
The highest risk kinds of sex play are:
vaginal intercourse
anal intercourse
Here are some very good sources of information:
How HIV Is Spread
Frequently Asked Question About Condoms And Spermicides
How condoms protect against HIV, chlamydia and more
CDC: Condom Effectiveness - Condom Fact Sheet
Diseases Spread by Kissing
HIV from kissing?
Kissing and HIV
How Safe Is Your Oral Sex?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Fabulous Ascot Wearing Ex-Gay Explains How Straight He Is
Finger snapping Adam Hood believes he is 'saved'.
gay to straight conversion,
Church Performs Gay Exorcism
gay rights,
gay to straight conversion,
Monday, August 2, 2010
Team USA Marches Into The Opening Ceremony Of Gay Games 2010
Team USA is the second-largest contingent at the Gay Games, and it took nearly 15 minutes for the American groups to enter the stadium. Here's a condensed version of that march.
Outfest 2010 Opening Night Gala - July 8 -18, 2010
National LGBT Health Alliance Calling For Feedback on Same-Sex Relationships
Win a Designer T-Shirt!
National LGBT Health Alliance Calling For Feedback on Same-Sex Relationships
Law Reform Campaign.
Award-Winning Documentary Film Screening Canceled After Anti-Gay Protest
PennLive.com reports:
After several hours of people pointing their fingers in her face and telling her she was going to hell, Keturah Cappadonia cracked.
In tears, the 28-year-old librarian in Coudersport, a rural town of 2,500 people, sent an e-mail to Joe Wilson and Dean Hamer, canceling the planned screening of their award-winning PBS documentary about the challenges of being openly gay in rural Pennsylvania.
Several churches in Potter County launched a campaign to force the local library to cancel, and the president of the Potter County Tea Party called for the library’s funding to be revoked if it didn’t comply.
The film is called 'Out in the Silence'.
'Out in the Silence' captures the remarkable chain of events that unfold when the announcement of filmmaker Joe Wilson’s wedding to another man ignites a firestorm of controversy in his small Pennsylvania hometown.
Drawn back by a plea for help from the mother of a gay teen being tormented at school, Wilson’s journey dramatically illustrates the universal challenges of being an outsider in a conservative environment and the transformation that is possible when those who have long been constrained by a traditional code of silence summon the courage to break it.
After several hours of people pointing their fingers in her face and telling her she was going to hell, Keturah Cappadonia cracked.
In tears, the 28-year-old librarian in Coudersport, a rural town of 2,500 people, sent an e-mail to Joe Wilson and Dean Hamer, canceling the planned screening of their award-winning PBS documentary about the challenges of being openly gay in rural Pennsylvania.
Several churches in Potter County launched a campaign to force the local library to cancel, and the president of the Potter County Tea Party called for the library’s funding to be revoked if it didn’t comply.
The film is called 'Out in the Silence'.
'Out in the Silence' captures the remarkable chain of events that unfold when the announcement of filmmaker Joe Wilson’s wedding to another man ignites a firestorm of controversy in his small Pennsylvania hometown.
Drawn back by a plea for help from the mother of a gay teen being tormented at school, Wilson’s journey dramatically illustrates the universal challenges of being an outsider in a conservative environment and the transformation that is possible when those who have long been constrained by a traditional code of silence summon the courage to break it.
'Out in the Silence',
Jersey Shore Season 2 Premiere
Jersey Shores,
reality tv,
Sesame Street - "Barn in the USA"
Okay, this video is kinda lame/boring, but it demonstrates the beauty of diversity, the benefits of cooperation and the power of unity!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
QBoy - 'Fight With Me (2010 Equality Anthem)'
civil rights,
gay rights,
music video,
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